Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hair Cuts

Well, it was that time again. Cameron and Abbott have incredibly curly hair and it tends to get a bit out of control if it gets too long so we had hair cuts today. My plan was to do Cameron's first thinking that he could be the "big boy" and show his baby brother how it's done. Of course nothing goes according to plan :). As soon as the clippers came into contact with the back of his head he completely fell apart. So I went to plan B. Strap Abbott down and just try not to slice his head off. Actually, with just a hint of resistance, I got Abbott's done. Whew! One down, one very strong willed one to go. I played a little dirty. I know it isn't nice but sometimes it has to be done. When I heard the words "Abbott is the big boy and Cameron is the baby" come out of my mouth I already knew I had it in the bag. Cameron immediately said "I'm ready mom. I'll sit to get my hair cut". All I heard this time around was how much it tickled. Anyway, the venture was successful and they both look so handsome.