Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hair Cuts

Well, it was that time again. Cameron and Abbott have incredibly curly hair and it tends to get a bit out of control if it gets too long so we had hair cuts today. My plan was to do Cameron's first thinking that he could be the "big boy" and show his baby brother how it's done. Of course nothing goes according to plan :). As soon as the clippers came into contact with the back of his head he completely fell apart. So I went to plan B. Strap Abbott down and just try not to slice his head off. Actually, with just a hint of resistance, I got Abbott's done. Whew! One down, one very strong willed one to go. I played a little dirty. I know it isn't nice but sometimes it has to be done. When I heard the words "Abbott is the big boy and Cameron is the baby" come out of my mouth I already knew I had it in the bag. Cameron immediately said "I'm ready mom. I'll sit to get my hair cut". All I heard this time around was how much it tickled. Anyway, the venture was successful and they both look so handsome.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mathieu "Abbott"

Abbott was born January 22, 2007 after 14 hours of labor and only 20 minutes of pushing. He arrived 3 weeks early weighing in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. Doctors said that he would have weighed 11-12 lbs. had I gone full term so thank the good Lord that I went into labor early!!!

He came into the picture in circumstances that left a little, well actually a lot, to be desired. The father of my 2 children and I had just split up for good and about 2 weeks later I found out that I was expecting our second child. It only got worse from there although having Abbott in the midst of all that was the silver lining.

What can I say about him? At 18 months, he is a spit fire and will for sure give Cameron a run for his money some day. Cameron antagonizes him to no end but Abbott can hold his own. I am sure that he will be the brute of my 2 sons and will pay Cameron back for every bit of misery that he causes him. He already tries his best.

Cameron was only 21 months when Abbott came along and I remember my parents bringing Cameron to the hospital and he was so interested in that little bundle. I don't think he truly understood at that age but he was a trooper. Now, even though they fight like cats and dogs, they are inseparable. If at any point one is without the other, the are not quite the same.

Abbott has brought so much joy to me and is a great addition to our little family.

Jarrod "Cameron"

Cameron was born April 27th, 2005 weighing in at 10 lbs. 1 oz. after 18 1/2 hours of labor and 2 1/2 hours of pushing. I remember the first thing I said when I saw him..."he is huge". All babies are small. They are babies after all but he was a huge baby.

He is now 3 years old and loves to test me any chance he gets. Whoever said terrible 2's was a liar. It is the terrible 3's for sure. At the same time, he can be so loving. He loves to be right on top of me every second. "Mom, can I sit on your lap?" "Mom, can I have a hug and a kiss?" It is never ending and I love that he wants to be so close to me all the time.

He will start pre-school next month and I am so excited yet a little sad at the same time. He is so smart and I am sure that he will thrive in a structured educational environment. I will keep you updated on his progress.

More to come....