Saturday, May 2, 2009

Much needed update!!!

Well, I know it has been forever and this blog was supposed to keep everyone up to date on what is going on in our lives but I haven't posted since November and for that I am sorry. So much has been going on.

Since my last post we took a little vacation to Tennessee for the Christmas holiday. What a wonderful (however really long) trip that was. The boys were fantastic considering the drive that we had. The plan was to leave after work on the 23rd, stop in Chicago to pick up my baby sister, Katie, and continue driving through the night and arrive at my grandmother's house some time in the morning. The plan definitely did not work out. Katie's flight was delayed time and time again and it took me 4 hours just to get to Chicago due to nasty weather conditions. Needless to say we stayed in Chicago that night and then continued on Christmas eve morning, drove through 13 hours of pouring down rain and made it to TN late that evening after stopping for potty and coffee beaks about 20 times. Not a drive I want to make again. I am happy to say that we made it back in one piece and the trip was well worth it.

Come January, we had about had it with the snow and Abbott turned 2. I can't believe how time is flying. For Cam it was the terrible 3's. For Abbott, definitely the terrible 2's. We are in the middle of a major power struggle but I am bound and determined to win the battle.

This is a 3 drawer plastic set of drawers that Abbott removed the top and first drawer of to make himself a seat in the second drawer, turned the tv towards him and was watching a movie. Pretty inventive for a 2 year old I think.

April brought Cam's 4th birthday. He got a batman scooter and has not really gotten off it since. He is due to have surgery May 14th. Cameron suffers from chronic ear infections, sinus issues and has some temporary hearing loss and although we have tried many alternatives, it seems that this is the way it has to be. He is having his adenoids removed and tubes put in with the possibility of having his tonsils removed shortly afterward. Hopefully the tonsil removal will not be necessary. He is such a sweet boy (most of the time). He has really done well in school although, because of the temporary hearing loss, has had a couple of attention issues. Hopefully next year will be much better in that department.

Cameron and Abbott on the scooters. We have since purchased helmets, knee pads and elbow pads. Much needed accessories.

We are so looking forward to Spring. It is creeping in finally and it has been great to have them outside more often. The winters are brutal and they have to stay inside more than I would like. I crave a different climate.

Papa and the boys playing T-ball.

Work for me is going pretty well despite the fact that we are in economic turmoil. It has been quite terrifying watching the stock market and how it has affected investors. It has certainly made our Reps very cranky and they have been a challenge to deal with but most are really great and appreciative of what we do for them. I truly do love my job and it teaches me something new everyday.

That about wraps it up for now. I will attempt to keep this up a little better.